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The Workspaces Dashboard Guide

An introduction to the Workspaces Dashboard

Faye avatar
Written by Faye
Updated over a week ago

The Workspaces Dashboard is currently in Beta and this introductory guide will be updated as we release new functionality/versions. Also note that some screenshots included in the guide may look different to the version of the Dashboard you have access too.

Key Features

The Dashboard team will send you login details for your Dashboard account & are always happy to answer any questions you may have that are not covered in this guide (please contact our Customer Success team using the Pink Button on our site).


Enter you Username & Password into the login screen to login. Currently there is no way to create an account or to reset your password - contact the Customer Success team in either case.

Once you are logged you will see the main Dashboard view (see image below) and you will remain logged in for up to 4x hours if you do not logout manually yourself. After 4x hours the Dashboard will automatically log you out.

The User Menu

In the top right corner of the Dashboard you will see the User Menu once your are logged in (see the image below). The User Menu shows which User you are logged in as and if clicked expands to show some additional options;

  • Account - where account management features are located.

  • Log Out - Logs you out of the Dashboard

Selecting Account will display the Account screen (see the image below) where you can manage account features;

  • Change Password

Change Password enables you to change your password to something new (see image below)

  • Two Factor Authentication

Two factor authentication is a security feature that adds additional security to your Dashboard login - we strongly advise that you enable this option. The second factor is provided by either the Google Authenticator or Authy App installed on your phone (choose the App you prefer - they are both free of charge).

To configure two factor authentication for your Dashboard account firstly install either App in your phone. Next click the 'Configure' button to start the simple configuration process (see image below).

You will now see the 'Configure two-factor authentication screen (see image below). Follow the 3 steps indicated (using your chosen App on your phone).

Once you have enabled two factor authentication successfully you will see the screen below.

After enabling two factor authentication in the Dashboard the next time you login you will enter your username & password as before but you will now be presented with a new screen (See image below). Open your chosen Authenticator App on your phone and select the Q health Dashboard item in the App. This will display a random 6-digit number every 30 seconds - simply enter the current 6-digit number from your App in the field on the Authentication Code screen and click Login (you must do this within the current 30 second window - if you miss the window just use the next random 6-digit number that App generates instead.

After successfully entering the a 6-digit number successfully and clicking Login you will be logged in.

Managing your Users as an Admin User

If you are an Admin user for your Workspaces Dashboard you will see a 'Users' menu item in the side-bar menu. As an Admin user you can manage existing users or create new users for your Dashboard team. In the image below you will see the User view that is displayed when you select Users from the side-bar menu. You can see there are two users listed; The top most user has a Role of Admin (see the Role column) and the user beneath has a Role of User. A user with the User role does not see the Users menu item in the side-bar menu and therefore cannot manage and create new users. Most of your Users will have the User role but you can create multiple users with the Admin role if you need too.

At the far right of the User screen for each User you will see two buttons - 'Edit' and 'Delete' (see image above). Edit allows you to update an existing users details - you can change their Username or create a new password for them and also change their role between User and Admin. Once you are finished change the users details simply click 'Save Changes' (see image below).

To delete a user click the 'Delete' button for the user in question. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the user - you cannot undo a delete but you can re-create the user again if you need to (see the image below).

Admin users have a new 'Add User' button beneath the User menu in the top right hand corner of the screen. The 'Add User' button allows you to create new users, giving them a user name & password and also set their role to either User or Admin (see image below). After you have filled in all the files and selected the users Role just click 'Create' to create a single User or Click 'Create and add another' if you want to add additional Users.

The Side Bar Menu

The side bar menu on the left allows you to access all of the screens in the Workspaces Dashboard.


After you login the first screen you will see is the Dashboard screen (see image below). You will notice that the Dashboard menu item in the side bar menu is highlighted to indicate which screen you are currently in. Note your Dashboard screen may look a little different to the one below - as what is displayed depends on how many Workspaces you have associated with your account and on the state/status of your Workspaces.

The 'State' panel indicates how many of your Workspaces have been started and are Available to connect too. It also indicates how many of your Workspaces are currently 'Stopped' (note: Adding these two numbers together will give the total number of Workspaces you have associated with your account.).

The 'Connection Status' panel indicates the user activity for your Workspaces. 'Connected' means that a user is logged in, 'Disconnected' indicates that the user has logged out and 'Unknown' indicates that the Workspace is 'Stopped' and therefore the users activity for that Workspaces cannot be checked.

Managing your Workspaces

Select Workspaces from the side-bar menu to see a list of all of your Workspaces. This is the main screen of the Dashboard and will likely be the one you access most frequently (see image below).

Each line item displays information about one of your Workspaces;

Column Heading


Workspace ID

A unique ID for your Workspace.


The Username associated with this Workspace.

Registration Code

The Registration code issued when your Workspaces was created.

Bundle Name

Your custom Software Bundle currently installed on the Workspace. This will contain the applications that your users require.

Bundle ID

A Unique ID for your Software Bundle


STOPPED; Workspace not in use.
STARTING; Workspace is 'waking' up
AVAILABLE; Workspaces is booted & ready for login.
REBOOTING; Workspace has been rebooted.
REBUILDING; Rebuild underway.
MAINTENANCE; Windows OS & other Updates updates are being installed automatically.
UNHEALTHY; Your Workspace needs a Reboot or a Rebuild.

IMPAIRED; Your Workspace is not performing correctly. Contact Customer Success.
PENDING; Windows updates, AWS Software updates or other OS activities are underway.

Connection Status

UNKNOWN; Workspace user has not been connected recently.
CONNECTED; The Workspaces User is Connected.
DISCONNECTED; Workspace user was recently connected.

Computer Name

Display the Windows Computer name for each Workspace.

Reload to Refresh the Workspaces Screen

Currently the Workspaces screen does not automatically refresh so periodically we recommend reloading the page to make sure any changes are displayed. For example if you had setup a Filter (see examples in the Searching & Filters section below) to display how many of your Workspaces had active users logged in you would want to reload the page periodically to see any new logged in users. This need to reload will be removed in a future update.

Searching & Filters in the Dashboard

The 'Search' field in the Workspaces screen allows you to search for a particular Workspaces or group of Workspaces using any fragment of a string. Searches are not case sensitive and you can search all columns apart from Bundle ID (which you can use the Filter tool to filter on). You can also set each column to be sorted alphabetically by clicking the up/down arrows icon next to the column title - once clicked you can sort in ascending or descending order and the icon will reflect this by changing to an upwards or downwards pointing arrow.

At the bottom of the Workspaces screen (beneath the list of Workspaces) on the right you will see 'Previous' 1 2 3 ... 10 'Next' which indicates how many pages of Workspaces there are (the numbers displayed between your Previous & Next buttons may differ from the example below). The number highlighted with a blue background is the current page you are on. You can use the 'Previous' & 'Next' buttons to navigate through these pages sequentially or click on any 'number' to go directly to that page. These controls are very useful if you have a large number of Workspaces provisioned.

At the bottom of the Workspaces screen on the left you will see a number & the word 'results'. This indicates how many Workspaces you currently have listed in the Workspaces screen (see image below which indicates 53 Workspaces).

If you have no Search or Filters set then the number represents the total number of Workspaces you currently have provisioned. If you use Search or Filters then the number will represent only those Workspaces that match your current Search & Filter options;

For example if you wanted to know how many of your Workspaces were in use you would set your filters as follows;

Open Filters and select the tick box next to 'State' and click the filter options & select 'exactly' then type 'available' into the text field beneath. Lastly click Apply to apply the filter to the Workspaces screen. Your Workspaces view will show only those Workspaces in the 'AVAILABLE' state now

Alternatively if you wanted to know how many Workspaces had a user logged in then you would set your filters as follows;

Open Filters and select the tick box next to 'ConnectionStatus' and click the filter options & select 'exactly' then type 'connected' into the text filed beneath. Lastly click Apply to apply the filter to the Workspaces screen.

You can filter by any combination of WorkspaceID, Username, Bundle, State & ConnectionStatus by clicking the Filters button just to the right of the search box. Filters stay active until you untick any of them, click 'Clear' in the top left corner of the Filters window.

You can also see how many filters you have enabled by looking at the number displayed after 'Filter' (see image below which indicates 1x filter is set) or cancel all of your filters by clicking on the 'X' or close control that is displayed whenever any filters are set (again see image below).

When you click on a filter or its tick box a list of filter options will be displayed that you can select from to suit the requirements of the kind of filter you require. You can see that the options provide a way to build a filter any part of a string that may appear in the columns offered.

Rebooting & Rebuilding Workspaces

In the Workspaces screen you will see a 'Show' button for each Workspace located at the far right (see image below).

Clicking the 'Show' button for a Workspace will display a details screen (see image below) for that Workspace that displays its attributes in the top section and provides access to two 'Actions' in the bottom section.

The two actions in the bottom section are Reboot & Rebuild, the table below explains when/why you might want to use either Action;


Start will 'wake' a Workspace up from its dormant state. Use Start before using Reboot or Rebuild if the Workspace is a Stopped state.


Stop will force a Workspace into its dormant state.


This Action is equivalent to using the restart option in the Windows menu of a PC. If a Workspace becomes unresponsive, is not behaving normally for its user or its Status is 'UNHEALTHY' or IMPAIRED' then a Reboot will normally correct the issue. After clicking Reboot it will typically take about 5 mins to complete the reboot process. When you see the Workspaces Status is 'AVAILABLE' then the user can login again.


Rebuild is like a 'factory reset' in that it will return the Workspace to its initial software state after it was created. Any files that the user created or downloaded to their D: drive will be retained (there is a possibility that some very recently created files may not be retained however).

Use Rebuild if a Reboot has not fixed an issue or if an application is crashing or misbehaving in an unusual way.

Note: A Rebuild should be seen very much as a last resort action as it can take up to 20-30 mins for the re-build process to complete. During the Rebuild process your user will have no access to their Workspace.

If a Rebuild does not fix the issue please contact our Customer Success team via the Pink button on the Q health site.

Workspaces Events

The Workspaces events screen (see image below) is where all of the user activity for your Workspaces can be tracked.

Your user activity can then be exported as a CSV file for further analysis by using the 'Download CSV' button at the top right just below the User menu. You can use the Filter button to restrict the period of the exported data and/or restrict it to a specific user.




The Workspace started to stop


The Workspace stopped


The Workspace began starting up


The Workspace is available for login






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